Saturday, February 26, 2011


UNIT - 1
Q : 1 The present nuclear family system totally change our life - styles. Moreover, the women’s liberation movements have added to the freedom of women in the society. (a) Identity the business environment referred to this context. (b) List out any four categories of business benefited by the new life styles of Keralites.
Scoring Indications: (a) To identify it as a case of social environment. (1 score), (b) To list out the name of business units such as fast foods, ready made garments, curry powder, electronic home appliances etc.

Q : 2 The plan period, in our country consists of two phases - 1951 to 1990 and 1991 onwards. In 1991, to solve the basic problems of poverty, unemployment and inequality the Government decided to introduce some strategic reforms in the economic and business field.
(a) State the economic reforms introduced in this second phase of India’s economic history. (b) Explain the reflections of these reforms in the field of trade and industry. Score : 6 (Time : 12 mts)
Scoring Indicatiors: (a) To state the economic reforms such as liberalization, Privatization, Globalization and Stabilization. (b) To explain any four impacts such as Threat from MNCs; Terrific Competition, Adoption of new technology, new labour policy etc. (1 score each)
Q : 3 Our State Industries Minister on the occasion of releasing the final draft on the Industrial Policy of Kerala Government - 2007, stated that the new industrial policy will accelerate industrial development in our state. Do you agree with this statement ? Substantiate your answer. (Score : 4,  Time : 6 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: For agreeing or disagreeing with the statement. (1 score), For justifying the answer by giving merits or demerits of the new industrial policy. (3 score)

Q : 4 Identify the various environmental factors influencing the operations of a company in your locality. Also classify them and present in a suitable diagram. (Score : 5 Time : 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: For identifying the influencing factors such as management, employees, marketing and production aspects, economic, social and technological factors etc.          (3 score)
For classifying these factors into internal, operating and external factors - (1 score), For representing the factors in to a diagram.

Q:5 Pick out the factors which do not form part of the economic environment of a business firm.
(i) Degree of competition (ii) Customs and Traditions (iii) Business cycle (iv) Stability of government
(a) (i) and (ii)           (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)         (d) (i) and (iv)       (Score : 5   Time : 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators:
To select the correct pair as (d) - (1score)

UNIT - 2

Q : 1 Management consists of the functions such as planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling. These are performed by the managers at all levels in the organisation.
(a) Identify the concept of management referred to this context.
(b) State the essential features possessed by managment, when we consider it in this view point.  (Score:4  Time : 6 mts.)
Scoring Indicators
To identify the concept of management as a process. (1 score)
To state the features such as continuous process, interrelated process, social process, goal-oriented process etc. (score ½ each)
Q : 2 In a class-room debate on management discipline - an art or a science Arun argues that management is essentially an art, as it possesses all characteristics of an art. But, Anil, argues that management possesses all the features of a science subject. Being the moderator of the programme, how will you conclude this debate ? Substantiate your view points.
Scoring Indicators: For giving the conclusion that management is both an art and a science.(score 1),  For justifying the conclusion by specifying the features of art and science possessed by management. (3 score)

Q : 3 According to the American School of thought, lead by Oliver Sheldon, William R. Spreigel etc, management and administration are two different functions. (a) Do you agree with this school of thought, explain your answer? (b) State the different view points on this Controversy. (Score : 4 Time : 6 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To agree or disagree with the American approach               (1 score ), To justifying the view points - (1½ score ),  (b) To analyse the various approaches such as Administration and management are different functions, Administration is only a part of management and Management and Administration are Synonymous (1½ score)

Q : 4 In a class-room discussion, Sandas argues that Co-ordination is separate and distinct function of management. But, Asharaf is of the opinion that ‘like a thread in garland’ Coordination is a part of all management functions.      (a) Whose argument is more relevant in your opinion ? Justify the answer. (b) Explain the elements of this co-ordination process. (Score : 4    Time : 6 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) For expressing your view points and giving justification -(2 score) (b) For explaining the elements like integration, balancing etc. - (2 score)

Q : 5 Spot the odd one from the following:
(a) Superintendents (b) Supervisors (c) Section officers (d) Sales managers. (Score : 1 Time : 6 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To choose the item (d) as odd one. - (1 score )

UNIT - 3
Q : 1   Henry Fayol is of the opinion that ‘workers should not be shifted from their job position frequently’. (a) Identify the functional Principle referred to here. (b) State any three characteristics of this general management principles. (Score :- 4 Time : 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators:
(a) To identity the principle as Stability of tenure of personnel - (1 score) (b) To state the characteristics of management principles such as flexibility, influence of human behaviour. Equal importance etc.-(3 score)

Q : 2  Dinesh Menon, the production manager of Sree Sudha Ltd., applied for one month leave for his daughter’s marriage. But the General Manager requested him to reduce the leave for two weeks as the new plant is under construction to increase the volume of production.
(a) Identify the management principle in this contract. (b) Explain the importance of this principle in taking managerial decisions. (Score : 4 Time : 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators:
(a) For identifying Fayol's general management principle as subordination of individual interest to general interest. (1 score )
(b) For explaining the significance of this principle, that the selfish attitude of an individual should be surrendered if it affects the interest of the organisation - (3 score)

Q : 3  The management of City man tailors, a ready -made shirt making firm, fixed ‘3’ wage rates for the workers engaged in stitching of ready-made shirts, as given below:

Wage Rate
Workers stitching more than 8 shirts per day
Rs.50% per shirt
Workers stitching 5 to 8 shirts per day
Rs. 40% per shirts
Workers stitching less than 5 shirts per day
Rs. 30% per shirts

(a) Name the wage payment system applied by the management of City man Tailors. (b) state any two merits of this wage payment system. (Score : 3 Time : 6 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To identify the wage payment system as differential piece wage system - (1 score ) (b) To evaluate the system stating merits such as incentives to efficient workers, motivates less efficient workers to work hard etc. -( 2 score)

Q : 4  Pick the odd one out and give your justification.
(a) Mental Revolution (b) Material and social order (c) Scientific Task setting (d) Differential piece wage plan.  (Score :- 1 Time : 2 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To choose (b) as the odd one - (½) (b) To justify your selection, as others are related with scientific management - (½)

Q : 5  Mr.Baburaj is the owner of Jaybees Handlooms. He has 20 workers to his firm and formed 4 groups depending on their aptitudes and skills. He also assigned separate task to each group of employers, Such as threading, Colouring, Designing and wearing. Now this firm is the leading wearing mill in the district.   (a) Identify the general management principle, the application of which contributes to the success of this textile mill.  (b) List out any four benefits acquired by the firm by observing this management principle. (Score :- 5 Time : 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators:  (a) To identify the general management principle as division of work - (1 score)  (b) To evaluate by stating merits such as brings specialization, expertise the job, minimize wastages, enhance quality – (4 score )                     

Q : 1   KNR Pvt. Ltd. decided to maximize their profits through product diversification. For achieving this, they also fixed a sales turnover of Rs.10 core to achieve during the first half of the plan period.
(a) Identify the types of plan refer to the above case. (b) Which type of plan among them placed at the top of the planning hierarchy? Justify your answer. (Score :- 4 Time : 5 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To identify goals and objectives as the types of plans - ( 2 score),  (b) To justify placing goals at the top of the planning hierarchy - (2 score)

Q : 2  In a class-room discussion Dinesh argued that planning is a function to be performed only at the top-level of management. But, Suresh is of the opinion that, planning is required at all levels of management. Do you support the argument of Dinesh or Suresh? Justify your answer.            (Score :- 3 Time : 4 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: To support the argument of Suresh - (1score), To justify the view points by illustrating the pervasive nature of planning function - (2score)

Q : 3  “Planning does not guarantee success, but it may lead to success” Express your view points regarding this statement. (Score:-3 Time:4 mts)
Scoring Indicators: To express your view points by pointing out the limitation of planning such as false sense of security, External Constraints, failures in the implementation stage etc.-        (3 score)

Q : 4   The management of Baby Shija Pvt.Ltd. assumes that there will be liberalization in the economic, industrial and taxation policies of the government in the coming year. Thus, they targets to produce 1000 micro wave ovens during 2008.
(a) Identify the steps in planning already completed by the company management. (b) Explain the additional steps required to finish this planning process. (Score :- 6 Time : 10 mts.)

Q : 5   “Planning is required at all levels of management. It is the function of all managers irrespective of their position in the organisational structure. Give the most suitable term to describe the nature of planning function referred to this context. (Score:1, Time:2 mts)
Scoring Indicators: To identify that planning is pervasive - ( 1 score)

Q : 1  “Organising is the backbone of management and it contributes to the success of an enterprise” printout your arguments in favour of this statement. (Score :- 3 Time : 5 mts.)
Scoring Indicators:   To explain the importance of organising function such as specialization, clarifies authority and power, avoids duplication of work etc. - (3 score)

Q : 2 Arunima Pvt.Ltd is a newly incorporated company for manufacturing soaps at Mysore. They decided to have four functional departments - Viz, Production, marketing, Finance and administration.
(a) Recommend the most suitable organisation structure for the company. (b) Give the diagrammatic presentation of this organisational structure. (Score: - 4 Time: 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) For identifying the suitable organisational structure - (1 score), (b) To represent the organisational structure in to a suitable diagram - (3 score)

Q : 3   Biotech Pvt.Ltd. is promoted to undertake projects in pollution control. This company has 5 departments under the charge of the functional managers. Recently employers of the company formed a ‘recreation club’ under the presidentship of the personnel manager.
(a) Identify the different types of Oranisations found in Biotech Pvt.Ltd. (b) Explain the significance of organising such club activities in a business firm.  (Score :- 4 Time : 6 mts. )
Scoring Indicators:  (a) For identifying the formal Organisation and informal Organisation - ( 2 score ), (b) For evaluating the informal activities such as satisfy the social needs, help to solve work related problems, relief from work, tensions etc. - ( 2 score )

Q : 4   A board of directors meeting was held in Krishna Pvt. Ltd. to design the advertisement campaign to be implemented during the festival season. In the meeting the marketing manager, Sri Arunkumar opined that he has already overloaded with the routine matters and is unable to take up the full responsibility of campaign. As a solution, the Managing Director asked Arunkumar to assign some of his routine jobs to the Deputy Manager and concern more on the advertisement campaigns.
(a) Name the process through which the assignment of routine duties of the marketing manager to the Deputy Manager is possible. (b) Explain the elements involved in this process. (Score :- 5 Time : 8 mts)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To identify the process as delegation of authority - (1 score), (b) To explain the elements such as anticipating results, assigning of tasks, delegation of authority and imposing accountability - (4 score)

Q : 5   Which among the following is true for decentralisation.
(a) It is a technique of management (b), It is individualistic (c) It is optional, (d) It does not transfer responsibility (Score: - 1,  Time: 2 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: To choose the (c) as true statement - (1 score)

Q : 1   Dhanalekshmi Pvt. Ltd wanted one Chief-accountant for their cotton mill. Being the office secretary of the firm, you are asked to prepare the ‘Job Description’ and ‘Job specification’ for recruiting qualified and experienced hands. Prepare these statements to be published in a leading newspaper. (Score :- 4 Time : 8 mts)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To prepare the job description by specifying the nature of work and functions to be performed by the chief accountant - (2 score), (b) To prepare the job specification by including the qualifications and experience to be possessed by the chief Accountant - (2 score)

Q : 2   Mr. Anil Nair is in search of 50 unskilled casual workers in his factory under construction. (a) List out the various sources of recruitment available to Anil Nair. (b) Suggest the most suitable source among these for recruiting the unskilled casual workers. Also justify your selection.  (Score :- 5 Time : 8 min.)
Scoring Indicators:  (a) For identifying the alternative methods suitable for casual workers such as Factory Gate, Jobbers and contractors, personnel consultants, Advertisement, waiting list etc. (3scr) (b) For identifying the most suitable sources of recruitment.(2 scr)

Q : 3   Berger Paints Ltd is in search of ‘10’ Sales Executives for their Marketing Department. They advertise the requirements in leading newspapers and ‘210’ candidates applied for the post. Being the personnel manager of the company, you are asked to design appropriate steps for selecting the most suitable candidates. Give the detailed steps in a sequential order.    (Score: 8 Time: 12 mts)
Scoring Indicators: For explaining the steps in selection process such as scrutiny of applications, preliminary interview, filling blank application, Selection Tests, Interview, checking reference, medical examination, final selection etc. (1score each)

Q : 4  Biocon Pvt. Ltd recruited 250 candidates and selected 20 fresh Engineers for their factory. The management of company decided to give training to the new employees at the work place itself. Explain to them, the alternative training methods available to training the engineers.    (Score: 6 Time: 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: For explaining the on the job training methods such as coaching, Job rotation, understudy etc. (2 score each)

Q : 5  Classify the following benefits under the broad categories such as monetary incentives and non-monetary incentives- Bonus, Promotion, Job enrichment, leave with pay, medical reimbursement, commission, participative decision making, quality circles. (Score:2, Time:4 mts)
Scoring Indicators: To classify Bonus leave with pay, medical reimbursement and commission under Monetary Incentives. - (1 score)
To classify promotion, job enrichment, participative decision making and quality circles under Non-Monetary incentives. (1 score)

Q : 6  Choose the categories of employees, to whom the time rate system of wage payment is more suitable (i) Factory workers (ii) Clerical staff (iii) Managerial personnel (iv) Technical Employees
(a) (i) and (ii),  (b) (ii) and (iii),  (c) (iii) and (iv),  (d) (i) and (iv)
(Score: 1 Time: 2 Mts)
Scoring Indicators:  To choose the correct pair as (b)   (1 score)

Q : 1  The unsatisfied wants of some managerial personnel working in a Multi-National Company are shown below- Recognition from superiors, more leisure time, Realisation of goals in life, Respect from Subordinates, Insurance Coverage, Friendship with colleagues.
Arrange these wants in the given pyramid, as suggested by Maslow:

Self Actualisation Needs
                Esteem Needs
                Social Needs
                Safety Needs
 Physiological Needs                            Score - 3 Time : 5 mts.

To Identify: More leisure time as physiological need (½ score), Insurance coverage as safety need (½ score), Friendship will colleagues as social need (½ score), Recognition from superiors and respect from subordinates as Esteem needs (1 score), Realisation of goals in life as self - actualisation need (½ score)

Q :2 Observe the arguments of two students in a class-room discussion.
Joyal: ‘Leaders are born and not made, because the God-gifted qualities are more important to influence the behaviour of others.’
Joffin : ‘The acquired qualities are more important and thus, leaders are not born, but made’.   Whose argument do you favour? Justify your answer by emphasising the qualities essential for a successful leader. (Score: 5,  Time: 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: To favour the argument of Joyal or Joffin. (1 score), To justify the view points by specifying God-gifted qualities or acquired qualities. (4 score)

Q : 3  Mr. Renjith Mohan is a newly appointed General Manager of Alpha Pvt. Ltd. He is of the opinion that communication will be effective, if it is more centralised. Accordingly he proposes to design networks of communication among the departmental head such as Production Manager, Marketing Manager, Finance Manager and Personnel Manager.
(a) Suggest the most suitable pattern considering the requirement Renjith Mohan. (b) Present the suggested communication network in a suitable diagram)                 (Score – 4, Time : 8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To suggest wheel pattern of communication network. (1 score), (b) To present the network in a suitable diagram. (3sr)

Q : 4   Sometimes, subordinates may feel reluctant to transmit correct information to the superiors. The subordinates most often held back the unpleasant facts or may not report the true facts.  (a) Identify the type of communication barrier referred to this context. (b) Give your suggestions to overcome this barrier. (Score:3, Time: 5 mts)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To identify the obstacle as status barrier. (1 score) (b) To suggest remedies for overcoming the status barrier such as modifying the attitudes, informal activities etc. (2 score)

Q : 5   Which among the following is true for ‘Grapevine’. (a) More flexible in nature, (b) Message travels slowly, (c) Less distortion of information. (d) Exchange of only work related matters. (Scr:1 Tim:2mts)
Scoring Indicators:  To select the correct statement as (a). (1 score)

Q : 1  In a class room discussion about the relationship between planning and controlling, Muhammed Fazil remarked that ‘Like planning, controlling is also looking ahead. Elucidate your veiw points in this respect. (Score - 3 Time : 5 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: To agree with the remarks of Fazil. (1 score)
To justify the view points that one cannot control what has already happened. The lessons learned from the past can be used to prevent undesirable events in future. (2 score)

Q : 2   You are in the role of a project group leader and sufficient powers are also delegated to you for controlling the group members. List out the evaluation steps you might adopt for assessing the performance of the group members on completion of the project work. (Score:4 Time:6 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: To explain the steps in the control process such as Establishment of standards, measurement of actual performance, comparison and taking corrective action. (1 score)

Q : 3  The first step in the process of control is to establish standards. It may be either tangible or intangible. (a) Give suitable examples for the Tangible and Intangible standards. (b) Why tangible standards are more recommended? (Scre:3, Time :5 mts)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To give suitable examples like Average production is 10 units per day is a tangible standard. Loyalty of workers is an intangible standard. (2 scr), (b) To give the reason that, if standard is quantifiable we can easily evaluate the performance. (1 scr)

Q : 4  “They are the two blader of a scissors, one cannot work without the other”. (a) Identify the management functions referred to this context.
(b) Explain the nature of relationships between these managerial functions. (Score: 4, Time: 6 mts.)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To identify the management function as planning and controlling-(2 score), (b) To explain the relationship between these functions such as planning is meaningless with out controlling, controlling is aimless without planning, planning and controlling are complementary, Both are forward looking etc-(2 score)

UNIT – 9
Q : 1   Malabar Ltd and High Range Ltd are cement manufacturing companies. On 1.1.2006. They had capital balance of Rs. 50 lakhs and Rs. 20 lakhs respectively. During the year 2006, they earned profit of Rs. 7 lakhs and 6 lakhs respectively. The normal rate of return in this industry is 20%. (a) Which company is in more advantageous position? why? (b) Comment on the result of the company on the basis of their capitalisation. (Score 6, Time: 10 min)
Scoring Indicators: (a) High Range Ltd-(1), Rate of earnings of High Range is more than normal rate of Return, (b) Malabar Ltd - over capitalised-(1),  Meaning of Over capitalisation-(1), High Range Ltd. Under capitalised-(1),  Meaning of under capitalisation (1)

Q : 2 “Wealth Maximisation objective is superior to profit maximisation”. Do you agree ? Substantiate your answer. (Score: 5; Time: 10min)
Scoring Indicators: Yes, I agree with the statement-(1scr), Meaning of wealth maximisation-(1scr), Meaning of profit maximisation-(1scr), Explanation: Wealth is more important than profit-(2scr)

Q : 3  Find the odd one and state reason
(a) Investment decision (b) Working capital decision (c) Financing decision  (d) Dividend decision (Score : 2,  Time : 2min)
Scoring Indicators: For identifying it as (b) working capital decision (1score), Reason: Other three are finance function and working capital decision comes under financing decision. (1score)

Q :4   Choose the correct pair from the following:
(a) Capital                                = Financial leverage
(b) Financial leverage               = Trading on equity
(c) Trading on equity               = Capitalisation
(d) Capitalisation                     = Capital structure (Score:1, Time: 2min)
Scoring Indicators:  b. Financial leverage = Trading on equity

Q : 5  The following table gives the details of capital of A Ltd and B Ltd for the year 2010

A. Ltd Rs.
B Ltd Rs.
Equity share capital
Bank loan
During the period A Ltd earned a net profit of Rs.14,5000, which is Rs. 35,000 less than the normal earnings and B Ltd earned Rs.90,000 which is Rs. 30,000 less than the normal earnings.
From the above, (a) Find out the normal rate of return of both the companies. (b) Which company is more over capitalised?  (c) Identify the high geared company and the low geared company(Score: 5, Tim: 10m)
Scoring Indicators: (a) Normal rate of return of A Ltd. - 20% (1)
Normal rate of return of B Ltd. - 20% (1),
(b) More over capitalised company is B Ltd. (1)
(c) High geared company is B Ltd(1),  Low geared company is A Ltd(1)

Q :6  From the following pick out the causes of over capitalisation.
(a) High promotion cost, (b) In adequate depreciation, (c) Under estimation of earning, (d) Liberal dividend policy, (e) Efficient management, (f) Shortage of capital (Score :2, Time :4min)
Scoring Indicators: (a) High promotion cost (b) Inadequate depreciation (c) Liberal Dividend policy (d) Shortage of capital (½ score each)

Q : 7 From the following pick out the effects of under capitalisation.
(a) Fall in market value of shares, (b) Demand for higher wages
(c) High and regular dividend, (d) Deterioration in the quality to goods
(e)Increases competition, (f)Creation of secret resource (Scr:2,Tim: 4m)
Scoring Indicators: (b) Demand for higher wages, (c) High and regular income (e) Increases competition, (f) Creation of secret reserve (½ each)

UNIT - 10
Q : 1   Classify the following financial market instruments into two major heads. Also point out any two differences between both these categories of instruments: Equity shares, Bill of Exchange, Treasury bills, Debentures, Govt. Bonds, Commercial papers, Certificates of Deposit, Units of mutual fund. (Score :6, Time :8 mts.)
Scoring Indicators. To classify bills of exchange, Treasury bills, commercial papers and certificates of deposits under money market instruments. (2 score), To classify Equity shares debentures Govt. bond and units of mutual funds under capital market instruments(2 score), To Distinguish between money market and capital market instruments (2 score)

Q : 2   Mr. Sunil Kumar applied for a fresh issue of shares by Gateway Distributors Ltd. and he has been allotted 1000 shares of Rs.50/- each of a premium of Rs.80/- per share. He also bought 1000 shares of Rs.50/- each of a market price of Rs.130/- per share, of Cambridge Tech Ltd. through a BSE Broker. (a) Categorize these share transactions. (b) Distinguish between these share transactions. (Score : 6,  Time : 10 mts)
Scoring Indicators: To catagorise the transactions as primary market and secondary market transactions.(2 score), To distinguish between primary market and secondary market dealings.(4 score).

Q : 3  Read the news paper report: “The bench mark equity index sensex regained the 19000 level on Friday 26/10/2007, on brisk buying activity”.
(a) Name the stock exchange, whose index is referred to this news report. (b) Explain the significance of watching the stock exchange indices. (Score: 3,  Time : 5 mts)
Scoring Indicators: (a) To identify sensex as the index of Bombay stock exchange. (1 score), (b) To explain the importance of watching stock exchange indices to know the Bullish or Bearish Trends. (2 score)

Q : 4  The Union Finance Minister said he favoured the steps taken by the capital market regulator on the issue of tightening norms for promissory notes to central capital inflow without hurting the investment sentiments. (a) Identify the market regulator reference to this context. (b) List out their major functions, being the regulator of capital market. (Score : 5,  Time : 8 mts)
Scoring Indicators:  (a) Identifying the agency as SEBI (1 score)
(b) Explaining the functions of SEBI (4 score)

UNIT - 11

Q : 1  Find the odd one and state reason. (a) Buying, (b) Marketing Research, (c) Pricing, (d) Packaging (Score: 2,  Time : 2Min)
Scoring Indicators: (a) Buying (1 score), Reason: Buying is an exchange function and others are facilitating functions: (1 score)

Q : 2  Find the odd one and state reason:  (a) Product mix (b) Price mix (c) Marketing mix (d) Place mix (Score : 2 Time : 2Min)
Scoring Indicators: (c) Marketing mix (1 score), Reason: All others are the components of marketing mix (1 score)

Q : 3  Soorya Ltd decided to introduce a new toilet soap into the  market. For pricing the soap, which pricing strategy is suitable to them? When such strategy can b adopted for fixing price of  products? (Scre:5, 10min)
Scoring Indicators: Market Penetrating strategy (1score), Market Penetration strategy is suitable when; (a) The price elasticity of demand is high (1score), (b) The firm can increase production as demand increases. (1score), (c) The marketer expects strong competition after launching the new product. (1score), (d) The public accept the new product as a part of its daily life. (1score)
Q : 4  Anand Vehicles Ltd. manufactured a new car model with advanced modern facilities. Suppose you are the marketing manager of the company and is asked to suggest a suitable medium for its advertisement. Which medium of advertisement that you prefer. Why? (Score: 3)
Scoring Indicator: Medium - Television (1 score), Reason - It combines sounds, motions & sight, high coverage (Any 2 points, 1score each)

Q : 5   A soft drinks manufacturing company decided to introduce a  new soft drinks having the taste of pepper. For selecting a suitable brand name for it, the company conducts a contest among the +2 students in Kerala. You are also a contestant for the same. State the relevant factors that you consider for the same. (Score : 4 Time : 10Mts)
Scoring Indicators:  * Name should be short and simple * Easily pronounceable * Suggest something about the product * Not contrary to the law, etc. (any 4 points, 1 score each) (4Scores)

Q : 6  Jyothi Ltd, manufacturer of leather bag decided to undertake production of leather shoe. As a sample, they produced one model of ladies shoe. Suppose you are the marketing manager of the company and are entrusted with the task of fixing the price for the shoe. What are the factors to be considered by you while fixing the price for this new shoe? (Score: 4,  Time: 6 Mts)
Scoring Indicators:  * Production cost of the shoe  * Profit margin * Competitors price * Economic conditions * Customers demand, etc
(Any 4 points, 1 score each)  (4Scores)

Q : 1  Find the odd one and state reason:
(a) District Forum, (b) State commission, (c) Lok Adalats, (d) National commission  (Score: 2,  Time : 2 Mnts)
Scoring Indicators: (c) Lok Adalats (1score), Reason: On the spot decision (1scores)

Q: 2  Mrs. Rekha purchased 1 lit of coconut oil from a shop near her residence. But she found that the coconut oil is mixed with palm oil. She complained about the product to the shop keeper and demanded for the re-imbursement of money. The shop keeper did not accept the claim. She filed a suit in District Forum about the shop keeper. She is not satisfied with the order of District Forum. In this situation, what will be the remedy available to her? Explain. (Score: 2,  Time: 5min)
Scoring Indicators:  Rekha can file an appeal against the order of District Forum with state commission with in 30 days. (2score)

Q : 3   Mr. Balu gave a new dictionary as gift to Manu, one of his friends. Manu found that some of its pages are unreadable due to over spreading of ink. He approached the shop keeper and demanded to replace it. But the shop keeper refused to replace the dictionary on the arguement that Manu is not a consumer for him. Is shop keeper’s argument is genuine?  Who can be a consumer?
(Score: 4,  Time: 10mts)
Scoring Indicators: No the argument of shop keeper is wrong. Manu is also a consumer. (1score)
The term consumer means: (a) One who buys goods or hires services for a consideration (1score),  (b) Any user of such goods with the approval of the buyer and the beneficiary of services which is availed of with the approval of one who hires the services, and (1score)
(c) Any one who uses goods or services hired exclusively for earning livelihood by self employment. (1score)

Edited by
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Saturday, February 12, 2011



A Customer is the most important Visitor on our premises.

He is not dependent on us; we are dependent on him.

He is not an interruption of our work; He is the purpose of it.

He is not an outsider to our business; He is a part of it.

We are not doing him a favor by serving him; He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.

-   Mahatma Gandhi, the Greatest Servant to  Humanity of the Century


     Branding means giving a name, sign, symbol, design or a combination of these to identify a product from that of its competitors. Brands help to make shopping easier. Milma, Maruthi-800, Eastern, Tata Steel and Modi Xerox are examples of brands.

Trade Mark
         Trade mark refers to a brand which is registered with the govt. under the Trade and Merchandise Act of 1958.
  Some of the Trade Marks are given below: